Revelation of John 13:12-15

Exerciseth--the power--and causeth the earth--to worship the first beast; unites his ecclesiastical power with the civil power of the first beast in laboring to accomplish the same cruel, selfish, and wicked designs. Doeth great wonders--maketh fire come down; the probable meaning of these words is, that having, by his signs and lying wonders, deceived the multitude and gained control over them, he uses the power thus acquired to destroy, as if by fire from heaven, those who will not submit themselves to his usurped authority. An image to the beast; a living representative of his power. According to some, this image represents the succession of Roman pontiffs; but they are rather the representatives of the second beast. Others, therefore, understand the new succession of Roman emperors, referred to in the note to verse Re 13:3, who were animated by the spirit of the papacy, and exerted their power in its interest. Speak; proclaim and send out his decrees, requiring all to bow to him; and if they will not, causing them to be put to death. Ecclesiastical and civil rulers have often been united in persecuting Christians, and endeavoring to force them to disobey God.
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