Revelation of John 19:11-21

Heaven opened; in token of still further communications which were to be made of the purposes of Christ. The final conflict here described seems to be identical with "the battle of that great day of God Almighty," chap Re 16:14. There the dragon, the beast, and the false prophet gather their hosts into the valley of Armageddon. Here the beast and the false prophet are taken and cast into the lake of fire; and then, chap Re 20:1-3, the dragon, who had instigated this war against Christ, is bound and cast into the bottomless pit for a thousand years. There also, as here, the conflict is immediately followed by the complete triumph of Christ and his reign over men. Compare chap Re 16:17; with chap Re 20:1-3.

A white horse; here, as in chap Re 6:2, the symbol of victory over his foes.

Faithful and True; he is Jesus Christ, "the faithful and true Witness." Chap Re 3:14.

He doth judge and make war; compare Isa 11:3,4, where the same attributes and works are ascribed to the Messiah.
That no man knew, but he himself; the apostle saw in vision the name, but no one save its divine bearer could know it. The meaning, according to some, is, that it was a secret inscription which Christ only could read. Others suppose it to be the name given in verse Re 19:13--"The Word of God"--which might be read outwardly, while no one but Christ could comprehend its meaning, since the name contains the deep mystery of his nature and office. He was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood; compare Isa 63:1-3, and notes.

His name is--The Word of God; applied here, as in Joh 1:1, to the second person of the god-head.
The armies which were in heaven; representing the multitude of Christ's redeemed followers. Out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword; see note to chap Re 1:16.

He treadeth the wine-press; for the symbol of treading the wine-press, see note to chap Re 14:19,20; Isa 66:3.
King of kings, and Lord of lords; indicating his universal and supreme dominion. The supremacy of the Lord Jesus Christ, and his determination to crush his enemies and save his friends, are most clearly revealed in the Bible; and in his manifestations of himself, all will see that he is a just God and an almighty Saviour. The supper of the great God; which the great God prepares for you; representing the immense destruction of his enemies, on the flesh of whom the fowls of heaven were invited to feed. The imagery is taken from Eze 39:17-20, where God invites all the feathered fowl and wild beasts to come to the table which he has provided for them. The beast; the first beast, described in chap Re 13:1.

The false prophet; the same as the second beast, chap Re 13:11.
The remnant; of the armies that followed them, verse Re 19:19.
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