Revelation of John 2

The seven epistles to the seven churches of Asia have a remarkable agreement in their structure. They all begin with the same form of address, with which is connected one or more of the attributes of the Son of God, as given in the first chapter. Then follow the words, "I know thy works," with reproofs, commendations, warnings, and encouragements adapted to the case of each church. They all close with the solemn call: "He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches;" and with a promise "to him that overcometh," which varies with each church. In the case of the first three churches, the call to hear precedes the promise; in that of the other four, the reverse is true. We are to understand each address as sustained by all the attributes of the Son of God named in the other addresses, and each promise as including all the good contained in the other promises. From the seven different conditions of the seven churches addressed, arises such a manifoldness and completeness of instruction as adapts these epistles to the spiritual wants of all Christ's churches in all ages. They are expressed with wonderful vividness and power, and should be earnestly studied by all--teachers and taught--who hope to find, at the last day, their names not blotted out of the Lamb's book of life, but confessed by him before his Father, and before his angels, chap Re 3:5.

Holdeth the seven stars in his right hand; these words express Christ's supreme power and authority over all the rulers and teachers of his churches. From him they receive it; and to him they must render their account at the last day.

Walketh in the midst--candlesticks; words which represent Christ's constant presence with his churches. For their qualifications for usefulness, and for their fidelity and success, ministers and Christians are dependent upon Jesus Christ. He sees their thoughts and feelings as well as their outward conduct, and he requires that they be not only sincerely, but earnestly devoted to his service.
Evil; corrupt in doctrine and practice.

Which say they are apostles; false teachers who claimed for themselves the authority of apostles, such as are described by Paul in his second epistle to the Corinthians, chap 2Co 11:13, etc, and foretold in his address to the elders of Ephesus, Ac 20:29,30.
Left thy first love; for the abatement of which no steadfastness in outward services can be a compensation, since it is the heart that Christ desires. Do the first works; devote thyself as earnestly and heartily to my service as at the beginning.

Remove thy candlestick; extinguish the light of thy church--an awful warning which Christ fulfilled long ago to the church in Ephesus, that has been for centuries extinct, and which he has fulfilled to many unfaithful churches since.
Nicolaitanes; a corrupt sect, who seem to have turned Christian liberty into licentiousness. Overcometh; in the conflict with sin. Compare Mt 24:13; Eph 6:13.

The tree of life; compare chap Re 22:2. To eat of the tree of life in the earthly paradise was to our first parents the token. By sin they lost the right to eat of it, and fell under the sentence of death. But Christ restores what was lost in Adam in a higher and nobler form.
But thou art rich; spiritually rich, notwithstanding thy deep poverty in temporal things. Here, as in all the epistles, the angel of the church represents the church itself, and what is said to him is said to the church also.

Say they are Jews; a corrupt sect of Judaizers seems to be referred to. They boasted of their Jewish origin, and magnified the institutions of Judaism, but lacked the spirit of true Jews, Ro 2:28,29, and had, instead of it, the spirit of Satan. To true believers, Christ is a faithful, ever-present, all-sufficient friend; making them rich in the deepest poverty, honorable in the greatest abasement, and blessed in the heaviest trials. 2Co 4:17,18.
The devil shall cast some of you into prison; you shall be cast by his instigation.

Ten days; a symbolical designation for a short time. The persecution of Christians on account of their religion is instigated by Satan; and those who engage in it are his servants, doing his work, and ripening for the place prepared for him and his angels. Mt 25:41.
The second death; the punishment of the wicked in the future world. The sharp sword with two edges; see note to chap Re 1:16. Satan's seat; the place in which and from which he exerts great influence. Hold the doctrine of Balaam; imitate Balaam in their spirit and teachings. When Balaam could not obtain permission to curse Israel, he counselled Balak to seduce the Israelites to fornication and idolatry through the agency of the women of Moab. Nu 25:1-9; 31:16; 2Pe 2:15,16; Jude 11,12. The hidden manna; the true spiritual manna laid up in heaven for Christ's faithful servants; alluding to the literal manna that was laid up before the Lord in holy of holies. Ex 16:32-34.

A white stone; there is a reference here to the practice in common use among the ancients of making inscriptions on small stones for various purposes. White is the color of victory.

A new name written; expressive of the new character and new privileges bestowed upon the bearer.

No man knoweth, saving he that receiveth it; an intimation that the love of God shed abroad in the hearts of his children here, and the heavenly inheritance of which it is the foretaste and earnest, can be known only by possession; perhaps, also, that each child of God has his own individual experience, which he alone can understand. The blessedness of true religion is great beyond description, and known only to those who enjoy it.
Last--more than the first; instead of declining, they had increased in good works. Jezebel; a wicked woman like the wife of king Ahab; pretending to be a religious teacher, yet seducing the people into error and sin. The doctrine that she taught was the same as "the doctrine of Balaam," chap Re 2:14. I will cast her into a bed; a bed of sickness, instead of the bed of fornication which she encourages. Thus Christ will punish her and her followers with great judgments. Her children; her followers. The discrimination of character which Christ will make as to each individual, will show his complete knowledge of the heart, and that nothing has ever been thought, said, or done, with which he was not perfectly acquainted. The depths of Satan, as they speak; this Jezebel and her followers were in the habit of speaking of the depths of knowledge which they possessed; but the apostle calls them the depths of Satan. Over the nations; they shall not prevail against him, but he shall prevail over them. He shall rule them; reign with Christ over all his foes.

As I received of my Father; Ps 2:8,9.
Give him the morning-star; to shine in glory with Christ the true Morning-star. Chap Re 22:16.

Revelation of John 3

A name; the merely outward profession and form of religion. Persons may be regular in the outward form of religion, and yet destitute of its spirit. Without an effectual change, such cannot escape the judgments of God. Things which remain; their remaining attachment to truth and duty. Received and heard; the blessings bestowed, and the truths inculcated upon them.

As a thief; suddenly and unexpectedly.
Not defiled their garments; not embraced error or indulged in sin.

In white; a state of purity and blessedness.
I will not blot out his name--I will confess his name before my Father, and before his angels; Mt 10:32,33; 25:34-40. Character is personal; and amid great and abounding iniquity individuals may faithfully serve God and be ripening for glory. The key of David; that is, the key of the house of David. Compare Isa 22:22, from which passage the language is borrowed, but with a far higher application. To have the key of David's house, is to exercise supreme dominion there, which is expressed by the acts of opening and shutting at will; in other words, it is to be supreme on David's throne. Compare Lu 1:32,33: "The Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David: and he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever;" where the "house of Jacob" is the true spiritual Israel, embracing all who have through faith become "Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise," Ga 3:29. An open door; in allusion to the declaration of the preceding verse: "he that openeth, and no man shutteth." The words seem to mean full liberty in professing and preaching the gospel. Compare 1Co 16:9; 2Co 2:12; Col 4:3. Synagogue of Satan--say they are Jews; see note to chap Re 2:9.

Worship before thy feet; humble themselves before thee. God can at any time humble the most bitter persecutors of his people, and make them their cordial friends, or utterly destroy them.
The hour of temptation; a season of fiery trial, apparently in the shape of severe persecution. Thy crown; the crown of life which Christ will bestow upon all who continue faithful to him. A pillar in the temple of my God; give him a permanent place in God's spiritual temple. Compare Eph 2:20-22; 1Pe 2:5.

The name of my God--the name of the city of my God--my new name; thus marking him as belonging for ever to God, to the city of God, and to Christ, who has redeemed him by his own blood. The new name of Christ is that which belongs to him in his glorified state as the conqueror of death and all the powers of darkness. It therefore marks its possessor as admitted to share Christ's glory with him. Compare verse Re 3:21; Joh 17:24.
The Amen; he who will cause all his words to be accomplished.

The beginning of the creation; its Author and Lord. See notes to Col 1:15-17.
Neither cold nor hot; lukewarm, indifferent in religion.

Thou wert cold or hot; madest no pretension to my service, or else wert zealous in it.
Spew thee out; reject with abhorrence. God abhors indifference in religion no less really than he does open infidelity or open immorality. I am rich; have knowledge and religion enough.

Wretched; on account of their ignorance of their wants and their indifference to religion.
Gold--white raiment--eye-salve; representing the rich spiritual blessings which Christ will give to those who look to him. Isa 45:22. The more cold and formal men are in religion, the more self-confident they are--the less they feel their need of Christ and his salvation; and without a great change, they will never obtain the blessings of his favor. I rebuke and chasten; to deliver them from sin, and prepare them for heaven. I stand at the door; representing his readiness and desire to bestow all needed good upon all who serve him.

Sup with him, and he with me; which would be to their rich mutual joy. Christ is ready to save men; but in order to be saved by him, they must receive him in faith and love as their Redeemer, and devote life to his service. If they are lost, it will be on account of their opposition to him, and their refusal to accept of his salvation.
To sit with me; in a state of high and eternal exaltation and blessedness.
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