Revelation of John 9:13-21

The golden altar; the altar of incense, which stood in the outer sanctuary immediately before the ark of the covenant where God dwelt between the cherubim, and from which it was separated by the inner veil. Loose the four angels; representing desolating powers which in the course of providence had been restrained, but were to be suffered for a time to scourge, desolate, and destroy a great portion of the earth. The number four may be here, as in chap Re 7:1, a symbol of universality.

In the great river Euphrates; a symbol of the region whence these four angels should come. The Turks or Othmans, to whom this woe-trumpet seems to refer, came from the vicinity of the Euphrates.
An hour--a day--a month--a year; that is, 391 days, and the twelfth part of a day--interpreted by many of so many prophetic years during which they should extend their conquests, which ended with the fall of Constantinople, A.D. 1453. God's messengers of vengeance are often for a season restrained; but when restraint is removed, they commence their work of desolation. Two hundred thousand; a definite, for a very large indefinite number. Fire--jacinth, and brimstone; of red, purple, and yellow color. Supposed by many to be an enigmatical description of the Othman cavalry, with whom these were favorite colors. Fire--smoke--brimstone; symbols of their awfully destructive powers. In their tails; like the locusts that preceded them they do injury with their tails, taking up and propagating by force the same pestilent superstition. The rest of the men; men in the countries which were overrun by those destroyers who were not killed.

Repented not; this and the preceding judgment had no influence to bring them to repent of their worship of demons and idols.
Murders--sorceries--fornication--thefts; by continuing to commit these various crimes, they were ripening for still further manifestations of divine wrath. No judgments of heaven which men endure will, without the grace of God, lead them to repentance, make them holy, or fit them for heaven.
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