Acts 9:17

17Saul's Sight Is RestoredSo Ananias left and went to that house. He laid his hands on Saul
Lit. on him
and said, “Brother Saul, the Lord Jesus, who appeared to you on the road as you were traveling, has sent me so that you may see again and be filled with the Holy Spirit.”Acts 2:4; 4:31; 8:17; 13:52; 22:12-13

Acts 10:22

22The men replied, “Cornelius, a centurion and an upright and God-fearing man who is respected by the whole Jewish nation, was instructed by a holy angel to send for you to come to his home to hear what you have to say.”Acts 10:1-2; 22:12

1 Timothy 3:7

7He must be well thought of by outsiders, lest he fall into disgrace and the trap set for him by
Lit. the trap of
the devil.Acts 22:12; 1Cor 5:12; 1Thes 4:12; 1Tim 6:9; 2Tim 2:26

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