Leviticus 19:18

Matthew 22:39

39The second is like it: ‘You must love your neighbor as yourself.’
Lev 19:18
Lev 19:18; Matt 19:19; Mark 12:31; Luke 10:27; Rom 13:9; Gal 5:14; James 2:8

Romans 13:8-9

8Love One AnotherDo not owe anyone anything—except to love one another. For the one who loves another has fulfilled the law.Rom 13:10; Gal 5:14; Col 3:14; 1Tim 1:5; James 2:8 9For the commandments, “You must not commit adultery; you must not murder; you must not steal; you must not covet,”
Exod 20:13-15, 17; Deut 5:17-19, 21
and every other commandment are summed up in this statement: “You must love your neighbor as yourself.”
Lev 19:18
Exod 20:13; Lev 19:18; Deut 5:17; Matt 19:18; 22:39; Mark 12:31; Gal 5:14; James 2:8

Galatians 5:14

14For the whole law is summarized in a single statement: “You must love your neighbor as yourself.”
Lev 19:18
Lev 19:18; Matt 7:12; 22:39-40; Rom 13:8-9; James 2:8

Galatians 6:2

2Practice carrying each other's burdens. In this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.John 13:14-15, 34; 15:12; Rom 15:1; Gal 5:13; 1Thes 5:14; James 2:8; 1John 4:21
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