Matthew 7:15

15“Beware of false prophets who come to you in sheeps’ clothing but inwardly are savage wolves.Deut 13:3; Jer 23:16; Mic 3:5; Matt 24:4-5, 11, 24; Mark 13:22; Acts 20:29-30; Rom 16:17-18; Eph 5:6; Col 2:8; 2Tim 3:5; 2Pet 2:1-3; 1John 4:1

2 Peter 2:1

1Warning against False TeachersNow there were false prophets among the people, just as there also will be false teachers among you, who will secretly introduce destructive heresies and even deny the Master who bought them, bringing swift destruction on themselves.Deut 13:1; Matt 24:11; Acts 20:30; 1Cor 6:20; 11:19; Gal 3:13; Eph 1:7; Phil 3:19; 1Tim 4:1; 2Tim 3:1, 5; Heb 10:29; 1Pet 1:18; 1John 4:1; Jude 1:4, 18; Rev 5:9
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