Romans 14:17

17For God's kingdom does not consist of food and drink, but of righteousness, peace, and joy produced by the Holy Spirit.1Cor 8:8

Ephesians 4:14

14Then we will no longer be little children, tossed like waves and blown about by every wind of doctrine, by people's trickery, or by clever strategies that would lead us astray.Isa 28:9; Matt 11:7; Rom 16:18; 1Cor 14:20; 2Cor 2:17; Heb 13:9

Ephesians 5:6

6Living in the LightDo not let anyone deceive you with meaningless words, for it is because of these things that God's wrath comes on those who are disobedient.
Lit. the sons of disobedience
Jer 29:8; Matt 24:4; Rom 1:18; Eph 2:2; Col 2:4, 8, 18; 2Thes 2:3

Colossians 2:4

4I say this so that no one will mislead you with nice-sounding rhetoric.Rom 16:18; 2Cor 11:13; Eph 4:14; 5:6; Col 2:8, 18

Colossians 2:8

8See to it that no one enslaves you through philosophy and empty deceit according to human tradition, according to the basic principles of the world,
Or the elemental spirits of the universe
and not according to Christ.Jer 29:8; Matt 15:2; Rom 16:17; Gal 1:14; Eph 5:6; Col 1:22; 2:18; 20; Heb 13:9

Colossians 2:16

16Therefore, let no one judge you in matters of food and drink or with respect to a festival, a new moon, or a Sabbath day.Rom 14:2-3, 5, 10, 13, 17; 1Cor 8:8; Gal 4:10

1 Timothy 4:3

3They will try to stop people from marrying and from eating certain foods, which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth.Gen 1:29; 9:3; Rom 14:3, 6, 17; Rom 14:3, 6, 17, 1Cor 7:28, 36, 38; 8:8; 10:30; Col 2:20-21; Heb 13:4

1 John 4:1

1Test What People Say

Dear friends, stop believing
Or do not believe
every spirit. Instead, test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.Jer 29:8; Matt 24:4-5, 24; Acts 20:30; 1Cor 14:29; 1Thes 5:21; 1Tim 4:1; 2Pet 2:1; 1John 2:18; 2John 1:7; Rev 2:2

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