1 Timothy 5:15

     15. ForFor in the case of some this result has already ensued; "Some (widows) are already turned aside after Satan," the seducer (not by falling away from the faith in general, but) by such errors as are stigmatized in 1Ti 5:11-13, sexual passion, idleness, &c., and so have given occasion of reproach (1Ti 5:14). "Satan finds some mischief still for the idle hands to do."

2 Timothy 4:4

     4. The ear brooks not what is opposed to the man's lusts.

      turnedGreek, "turned aside" (1Ti 1:6). It is a righteous retribution, that when men turn away from the truth, they should be turned to fables (Jer 2:19).

      fables— (1Ti 1:4).

Hebrews 12:13

     13. Quoted from Pr 4:26, Septuagint, "Make straight paths for thy feet."

      straight—that is, leading by a straight road to joy and grace (Heb 12:1, 2, 15). Cease to "halt" between Judaism and Christianity [BENGEL].

      paths—literally, "wheel tracks." Let your walk be so firm and so unanimous in the right direction that a plain track and "highway" may be thereby established for those who accompany and follow you, to perceive and walk in (Isa 35:8) [ALFORD].

      that which is lame—those "weak in the faith" (Ro 14:1), having still Judaizing prejudices.

      be turned out of the way— (Pr 4:27); and, so missing the way, lose the prize of "the race" (Heb 12:1).

      rather he healed—Proper exercise of itself contributes to health; the habit of walking straight onward in the right way tends to healing.

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