Isaiah 54:1-2

     1. Sing—for joy (Zep 3:14).

      barren—the Jewish Church once forsaken by God, and therefore during that time destitute of spiritual children (Isa 54:6).

      didst not bear—during the Babylonian exile primarily. Secondarily, and chiefly, during Israel's present dispersion.

      the children—the Gentiles adopted by special grace into the original Church (Isa 54:3; Isa 49:20, 21).

      than . . . married wife—than were her spiritual children, when Israel was still a married wife (under the law, before the Babylonian exile), before God put her away [MAURER]. So Paul contrasts the universal Church of the New Testament with the Church of the Old Testament legal dispensation, quoting this very passage (Ga 4:27). But the full accomplishment of it is yet future.

     2. (Isa 49:19, 20; Jer 31:31-36, 38, 39). Thy children shall be so many that thy borders must be extended to contain them.

      curtains—the cloth forming the covering of the tent.

      spare not—give abundantly the means for the enlargement of the Church (2Co 9:5-7).

      cords . . . stakes—The more the tent is enlarged by lengthening the cords by which the cloth covering is fastened to the ground, the more the stakes supporting the tent need to be strengthened; the Church is not merely to seek new converts, but to strengthen those she has in the faith. The image is appropriate, as the tabernacle was the symbol of the old Israelitish Church (see on Isa 33:20).

Zechariah 10:10

     10. Egypt . . . Assyria—the former the first, the latter among the last of Israel's oppressors (or representing the four great world kingdoms, of which it was the first): types of the present universal dispersion, Egypt being south, Assyria north, opposite ends of the compass. MAURER conjectures that many Israelites fled to "Egypt" on the invasion of Tiglath-pileser. But Isa 11:11 and this passage rather accord with the view of the future restoration.

      Gilead . . . Lebanon—The whole of the Holy Land is described by two of its boundaries, the eastern ("Gilead" beyond Jordan) and the northern ("Lebanon").

      place shall not be found for them—that is, there shall not be room enough for them through their numbers (Isa 49:20; 54:3).

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