Mark 6:53-56

     53. And when they had passed over, they came into the land of Gennesaret—from which the lake sometimes takes its name, stretching along its western shore. Capernaum was their landing-place (Joh 6:24, 25).

      and drew to the shore—a nautical phrase, nowhere else used in the New Testament.

     54. And when they were come out of the ship, straightway they knew him—"immediately they recognized Him"; that is, the people did.

     55. and began to carry about in beds those that were sick, where they heard he was—At this period of our Lord's ministry the popular enthusiasm in His favor was at its height.

     56. and besought him that they might touch if it were but the border of his garment—having heard, no doubt, of what the woman with the issue of blood experienced on doing so (Mr 5:25-29), and perhaps of other unrecorded cases of the same nature.

      and as many as touched him—or "it"—the border of His garment.

      were made whole—All this they continued to do and to experience while our Lord was in that region. The time corresponds to that mentioned (Joh 7:1), when He "walked in Galilee," instead of appearing in Jerusalem at the passover, "because the Jews," that is, the rulers, "sought to kill Him"—while the people sought to enthrone Him!

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