Mark 8:17-21

     17. have ye your heart yet hardened?—How strong an expression to use of true-hearted disciples! See on Mr 6:52.

     18. Having eyes, see ye not? and having ears, hear ye not?—See on Mt 13:13.

      and do ye not remember?

     19. When I brake the five loaves among five thousand—"the five thousand."

      how many baskets full of fragments took ye up? &c.

     21. How is it that ye do not understand?—"do not understand that the warning I gave you could not have been prompted by any such petty consideration as the want of loaves in your scrip." Profuse as were our Lord's miracles, we see from this that they were not wrought at random, but that He carefully noted their minutest details, and desired that this should be done by those who witnessed, as doubtless by all who read the record of them. Even the different kind of baskets used at the two miraculous feedings, so carefully noted in the two narratives, are here also referred to; the one smaller, of which there were twelve, the other much larger, of which there were seven.

     Blind Man at Bethsaida Restored to Sight (Mr 8:22-26).

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