Proverbs 5:2-3

2 in order to safeguard
Heb “keep, protect, guard.”
This “discretion” is the same word in 1:4; it is wise, prudential consideration, careful planning, or the ability to devise plans with a view to the best way to carry them out. If that ability is retained then temptations to digress will not interfere.

and that your lips may guard knowledge.
3 For the lips
“Lips” is a metonymy of cause, referring to her words. Dripping honey is an implied comparison between the product and her words, which are flattering and smooth (cf. Song 4:11). See M. Dahood, “Honey That Drips. Notes on Proverbs 5:2–3, ” Bib 54 (1973): 65-66.
of the adulterous woman drip honey,
and her seductive words
Heb “her palate.” The word חֵךְ (khekh, “palate; roof of the mouth; gums”) is a metonymy of cause (= organ of speech) for what is said (= her seductive speech). The present translation clarifies this metonymy with the phrase “her seductive words.”
are smoother than olive oil,
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