Mark 15:17
17bamgqokisa okuyibubende, sebeluke umqhele wameva bamethesa, Luke 23:11
11UHerodi lamabutho akhe a bamyangisa b, bamklolodela c, basebemgqokisa d isembatho esikhazimulayo e, bambuyisela kuPilatu f. John 19:2
2Labebutho beluka umqhele wameva bawubeka ekhanda lakhe g, bamgqokisa isembatho esiyibubende h, Revelation of John 17:4
4Njalo owesifazana wayembethe i okuyibubende j lokubomvu k, futhi ececiswe ▼ ngegolide m langamatshe aligugu n langamapharele* o, elenkezo yegolide esandleni sakhe p, igcwele amanyala lokungcola kobufebe bakhe q, Revelation of John 18:16
16njalo besithi: Maye, maye, lo umuzi omkhulu r, owawembathiswe s ngelembu elicolekileyo kakhulu t lokuyibubende u lokubomvu v, uceciswe ngegolide w lelitshe eliligugu lamapharele! x
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