1 Corinthians 1:12

Now this I say. I explain more fully what I mean. He shows that there were four existing parties:

Of Paul. A Pauline party, clinging to the founder of their church (Ac 18:1-11);

Of Apollos. A party of Apollos, who were probably carried away by their admiration of his Alexandrian philosophy (Ac 18:24);

Of Cephas. A party of Judaizer, who claimed to be following Peter, called here by his Hebrew name of Cephas (Joh 1:42); and

Of Christ. A fourth party, who claimed to turn away from all these human leaders, and to be only of Christ.

1 Corinthians 3:4-6

While one saith, I am of Paul, etc. The fact that they are divided by following different human leaders, instead of all following Christ, demonstrated that they were yet carnal. Who then is Paul, and who [is] Apollos? Their carnal-mindedness shows itself in choosing and following these human leaders. One said he was a Paulite, etc. Hence he asks, Who is Paul, or Apollos? Only ministers, servants, subordinates, agents through whom they believed on Christ.

As the Lord gave to every man. Gave to Paul and Apollos power to lead you to faith.
I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase. It was Paul's work given him to plant the seed of the kingdom; it was the work of Apollos to afterwards water or cultivate the Christian plants which had come forth, but God gave the growth; gave the seed its vitality and the plant its life.
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