1 Timothy 3:2-3

A bishop then must be . . . . None must be appointed because they desire the place. None are eligible unless they fill the following qualifications.

Blameless. Not under charges; of good repute.

The husband of one wife. A married man, and having only one wife. In those loose times of divorce, men might be converted who had successively several wives. Divorce for unscriptural reasons would not free a man from his first, lawful wife. Hence the limitation to those who had only one living wife. I do not think there is any reference to re-marriage after the death of a wife.

Sober minded. Sedate.

Given to hospitality. Often saints by persecution were made homeless. The bishops must set the example of receiving such.

Apt to teach. Men who have the knowledge and discretion which fit them to teach the flock.
Not given to wine. Not a drunken brawler is the idea of the Greek. We must always bear in mind that the church had been formed of Gentiles whose morals had been at a very low standard.
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