1 Timothy 4:1

A Falling Away Predicted SUMMARY OF I TIMOTHY 4: An Apostasy in Latter Times. Some of the Marks of That Apostasy. Directions to Timothy in View of This. The Preacher to Be an Example. To Take Heed to Himself. Now the Spirit speaketh expressly . In revelations made to Paul and other inspired men. See 2Th 2:3 . In the latter times . In future times. How far away is not indicated. Some shall depart from the faith . There shall be an apostasy. Compare 2Th 2:3 . Some of the marks of this apostasy are now given. Giving heed to seducing spirits . The apostle seems to recognize a preternatural element which speaks by false prophets, in false utterances which claims to be from God. These seducing spirits might work through hierarchs, who claimed to speak for God, or through councils which claimed to make infallible utterances. Doctrines of demons . Doctrines suggested by demons. The Greek "daimonion", "demon", not "devil", always refers in the New Testament to an evil spirit.

2 Peter 2:1

Warnings Against False Teachers SUMMARY OF II PETER 2: False Prophets and False Teachers. The Judgment on the Fallen Angels. Judgment on the Antediluvians. The Perverseness of Wicked Men. The Example of Balaam, the Son of Beor.

There were false prophets. The true prophets are referred to in 2Pe 1:19. Here the false prophets are spoken of in contrast. The term "false prophet" occurs several times in the Old Testament. For example, see Jer 5:31 6:13 8:10. Christ foretells the rise of false prophets (Mt 24:24).

Among the people. Israel is meant.

Even as there shall be false teachers among you. Teachers of false doctrines. Paul often warns against such teachers. See Ac 20:30.

Who privily shall bring in damnable heresies. "Destructive heresies" (Revised Version). Party divisions caused by false teaching. A heresy is a schism, or that which tends to produce schism.

Even denying the Lord that bought them. This is the culmination of false teaching in the church and has been fulfilled by those professedly Christian teachers who reject the divinity of Christ and the atoning power of his blood.

And bring upon themselves swift destruction. Sudden destruction.

1 John 2:12

I write unto you, little children. John calls all the saints "little children". Then he divides them into three classes, "fathers", "young men", and "little children" (1Jo 2:13), but the Greek word "paidion", rendered "little children" in 1Jo 2:13, is a different one from 1Jo 2:1,12, "teknion".

1 John 2:18

It is the last time. We are in the last dispensation.

Antichrist shall come. False Christs and those opposed to Christ.

See PNT Mt 24:4. Anti-Christ is Anti-Christianity.

Whereby we know that it is the last time. Their appearance is a part of the series of events which leads to the final consummation.

1 John 4:1

Trying the Spirits SUMMARY OF I JOHN 4: How to Distinguish the Spirits of Truth and Error. Love a Proof That We Are Born of God. God's Great Love for Us. How We Secure the Indwelling of God. How Love Is Made Perfect.

Believe not every spirit. The last chapter has closed concerning the Spirit, but some are moved by other spirits than that of Christ.

But try the spirits whether they are of God. Test the spirit that moves teachers and see whether it be of God. 1Jo 4:2 tells how to test.

Because many false prophets are gone out into the world. There were many false teachers in that age as well as in ours, and some claimed to be inspired.
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