Acts 13:5

Salamis. The eastern seaport. A day's run would carry them from Seleucia to Salamis. The distance is only about fifty miles.

Preached . . . in the synagogues. That there was more than one shows that the Jews were very numerous. In the reign of Trajan, a half century later, they were numerous enough in Cyprus to almost exterminate the Gentile population, and were only put down after the arrival of the Roman general, Hadrian, afterwards emperor, with a great army.

They had also John. Mark. He probably acted as baptist. He was related to Barnabas (Col 4:10).

Acts 13:14

They came to Antioch. They seemed to have passed at once from Perga to the Antioch that lay in the interior. It must be distinguished from the Antioch of Syria before named (Ac 11:22). There were several Antiochs, this one being the capital of the province of Pisidia. Vast ruins still mark its site.

Went into the synagogue. In every Gentile city where there was a Jewish synagogue the gospel was preached first to the Jews by the apostolic preachers. The course of Paul and Barnabas here is an example of their custom.
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