Acts 18:3

Because he was of the same occupation, he abode with them. This is the first mention of the handicraft by which so often during his toilsome life Paul earned his daily bread. Every Jewish boy was taught a trade, and Paul no doubt learned his in Tarsus. Compare Ac 20:34 1Th 2:9 2Th 3:8 1Co 4:12 2Co 11:9.

1 Corinthians 4:11-12

Even unto this present hour, etc. All through our ministry we suffer want for the needs of life, are often in want of food and drink and clothing, are beaten (buffeted), and, like the Master, have no certain home. And labour with our own hands. Support ourselves by our own hands.

Being reviled, we bless. While preaching the gospel, returned good for evil.

2 Thessalonians 3:10-12

This we commanded you. Even then he gave a command that if any refused to work for their food, they should be refused support by others. He who is able to work, and unwilling, should not be fed. We hear. The word was brought, no doubt, by the messenger who returned to him.

Who walk among you disorderly. By doing nothing. It is a sin to be an idler. God requires industry.

Busybodies. "The devil finds some mischief, still, for idle hands to do".
Now them that are such we command. Such are solemnly commanded in the name of Christ to go to work, to live quiet lives, and to support themselves. The idlers were restless and meddlesome.
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