Acts 24:14-16

But this I confess. Ac 24:14-16 are in answer to the second charge, that he is "a ringleader of the sect of the Nazarenes" (Ac 24:5). He confesses that he worships God "after that Way they call a sect" (Revised Version). Yet he is a true Jew, believing all things which are written in the law and in the prophets. In becoming a Christian, he had not, therefore, as they asserted, apostatized from the faith of his fathers. And have hope toward God. This hope of the resurrection, the great doctrine of Christianity, was one that the law and the prophets foreshadow, and which they themselves also allow. The Jews held this same hope. Apart from the Sadducees, a small minority, the Jews believed in a future life and judgment. Hence, even in this matter, he was not preaching a new, unknown and illegal doctrine, for Judaism was acknowledged by Roman law. Josephus says, ``The Sadducees were able to persuade none but the rich. The Pharisees had the multitude on their side.'' And herein do I exercise myself. In this belief of a resurrection. His belief was not a theory, but a life, and hence he sought to keep his conscience pure in the sight of God and man.
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