Acts 26:13-18

In the Hebrew language. This fact that he here states is remarkable. Bengal says: ``The Hebrew tongue, Christ's language when on earth; his language, too, when he spoke from heaven.'' It was in the Aramaic, a Hebrew dialect, that the Savior taught when on earth, and it is a significant circumstance that Paul heard his voice in the same tongue to which Peter, James and John had listened. Not only is this true, but critics hold that the Hebraisms are so prominent in the Book of Revelation as to indicate that the revelations there recorded were made in Hebrew, and afterward translated by John into Greek. See Howson on "Acts", p. 546.

It is hard for thee to kick against the goad. The proverb is here added (Ac 9:5).
I have appeared unto thee for this purpose. The mission of Paul to the Gentiles is described as being a part of the Lord's communication. In order that he might be a minister and a witness. It was needful that the apostle of the Gentiles should see Christ. He must be a witness that the Lord had risen. He was chosen for this work before conversion, because he was honest, deeply conscientious, and possessed the great qualities that were needful to fit him for the most important work ever assigned to man.
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