Colossians 3:3-4

For ye are dead. "For ye died" (Revised Version). This is a reason for not loving earthly things. We died to the world, crucified with Christ, and were buried. See notes on 2:12 Ro 6:2 Ga 2:20. This death was a definite act, like the burial and the rising, not a state. The Revised Version is a great improvement on such passages.

And your life is hid with Christ in God. They died, but they are not dead. Yet the world does not see their true life, the eternal principle within. Their life is in Christ, and can never be fully manifested until he shall be manifest.
When Christ, . . . shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory. "When Christ . . . shall be manifested" (Revised Version), then the glory and the blessedness of the life in us shall be shown forth. Like the tree in the winter, not dead, but the life hidden. When the spring comes, its life shows itself in glory. Compare Ro 8:19.

2 Thessalonians 1:7

And not only that, but it is a righteous thing that he give to you who are troubled rest with us. That rest would come when there would be no persecutors, no stripes, no stonings, no prisons. It shall be when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven. At the Lord's coming. Compare Mt 24:30.

1 Peter 1:7

That the trial of your faith. These persecutions try their faith as gold is tried by the fire, and the faith that stands the test, more precious than gold, will bear fruit to praise and honour and glory at the appearing. See 2Co 4:17.
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