Ephesians 1:19-23

The exceeding greatness of his power. He prays that they may have greater knowledge of three things: (1) Of eternal life (the hope); (2) of the glorious inheritance, and (3) of God's mighty power towards believers. This mighty power works to raise them from sin, as it worked to raise Christ from the dead. However the power works, it is the same power that raised Jesus. Which he wrought in Christ. God's power wrought in Christ in the tomb so that he came forth living.

At his own right hand. The Scriptures represent Christ at God's right hand. See Mr 16:19 Heb 8:1 10:12 12:2 Col 3:1. His seat there indicates his glory, and also that the work of redemption.
Far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion. Above all the angelic hierarchy. See Ro 8:38 1Pe 3:22 Eph 3:10. The same terms are applied to evil spirits in Eph 6:12. Christ is above all angels, good or evil.

And every name. Every person, office and dignity, whether in this present state, or in that to come.
And hath put all [things] under his feet. All power was given into his hands when he was raised from the dead (Mt 28:18). He is the rightful ruler of all.

And gave him [to be] the head over all [things] to the church. He was, when raised from the dead (Eph 1:20), exalted to be the ruler of all things (Ac 2:33 5:31 Php 2:9) and made the Head of the church (Eph 5:23 Col 1:18); not merely its ruler, but the Head of the Body, which derives its life from the Head. Compare 1Co 10:17 12:27. Note that this exaltation is after the cross and the resurrection, definitely showing that Christ's church was not organized until after our Lord's suffering.
Which is his body. His spiritual body, living by union with the Head, pervaded by the life of Christ.

The fulness of him. The church is a manifestation of the fullness of Christ, the body filled by his life, who filleth all in all. Filleth all things with his majesty and power. The object of the last four verses is to describe Christ's glories. These are: (1) His resurrection; (2) His Exaltation to God's Right Hand; (3) His Supreme Dominion; (4) His Headship to the Church, his Body, filled with His Fullness. These glories all follow his stooping unto the death of the cross. He abased himself that he might be exalted. See Heb 12:2.
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