Ephesians 4:4-5

[There is] one body. The Unity commanded has a basis in seven unities which existed in the church, and should exist in all ages. There was then only one body, the church, the body of Christ; not a Gentile body and a Jewish body. Modern denominations were unknown. Compare Ro 12:5 1Co 12:12,13 Eph 2:16.

And one Spirit. The same Spirit bestowed upon Jew and Gentile, and upon all saints.

Even as ye are called in one hope of your calling. Wherever called and from whatever state, all were filled with one hope, that of immortality.
One Lord. Christ, the Head of the church (1Co 1:13 Eph 1:10). All saints have one Master.

One faith. One Lord who is the object of faith, and whom both Jews and Gentiles lay hold upon by faith in him.

One baptism. All have been baptized into the "one Lord" upon the profession of the "one faith" by one rite. It would be utterly inconsistent with the Apostle's argument, if there could be anything divisive about baptism, as three different ways of administering itself. He is showing that there is unity in each one of seven essential features of Christianity, and hence all should seek to "keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace" (Eph 4:3).
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