Galatians 6

Concluding Admonitions SUMMARY OF GALATIANS 6: Restoring the Stumbling. Humility Commended. The Law. Reaping and Sowing. Paul's Superscription. Glorying in the Cross. The Mark of Jesus Christ.

If a man be overtaken in a fault. Not gone into sin as a result of sinful premeditation, but surprised by it. Those intending well are sometimes caught unawares.

Ye which are spiritual. Who have continued to walk in the Spirit.

Restore such an one in the spirit of meekness. Instead of judging severely and seeking to cut them off, seek lovingly to lead them back from their error.

Considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted. We ourselves may be caught by temptation and sin. Let us bear in mind that we are not infallible, and judge others gently.
Bear ye one another's burdens. Help each other, sustain each other; if you see one about to stumble under his burden, hold him up.

See PNT Ga 6:5.

So fulfil the law of Christ. The law of love. See Joh 13:34.
If a man think himself to be something, when he is nothing. If he thinks he is strong, needs no help, will never need sympathy, etc., "he deceiveth himself". But let every man prove his own work. Instead of commenting upon the weaknesses of others, let him test his own work.

Then shall he have rejoicing in himself alone, and not in another. If his work stands the test, there he can rejoice in it alone, not because he is superior to another.
For every man shall bear his own burden. This seems at first to conflict with Ga 6:2. The meaning of v. 2 is "Bear ye one another's burden of trial and suffering"; of v. 5, "Every one must bear his own burden of responsibility". The first is aiding to bear the burden of another's infirmities; the second is the burden of our account before God. The Greek had two different words for "burden" in the two verses: "baros" in v. 2; "phortion" in v. 5. It is unfortunate that the Common Version and the Revised Version do not represent the difference by two words in the English. Let him that is taught. Let those who are taught by the preachers and teachers sustain those who instruct them. Be not deceived. Men often are.

God is not mocked. They do fancy that God may be mocked. The immutable law of the spiritual kingdom shows that he is not.

Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. A law not only of the vegetable world, but of our bodies and spirits. Habit is only an illustration of this law. The delirium tremens on the one hand, and the purity of the aged saint on the other are due to the action of this law.
He that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption. He who thus sows will reap a crop of fleshly lusts and ills. His carnal indulgence will end in moral ruin.

But he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. He shall reap spiritually, and as a final harvest the spiritual life beyond, the life everlasting.
Let us not be weary in well doing. In sowing to the Spirit.

For in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. Because, if we hold out faithful, and faint not, we are sure to reap in due season.
Let us do good unto all [men]. Doing good is well doing, i.e., sowing to the Spirit.

Especially unto them who are of the household of faith. The Christian rule is to do good, but above all others to love, cherish and help the brethren.
Ye see how large a letter I have written unto you with mine own hand. Rather as in the Revised Version: "See with how large letters". Paul used an amanuensis in letter writing, but the superscriptions were written in his own hand to show the genuineness of his epistles. See Ro 16:22 Col 4:18. Some have supposed that his "thorn in the flesh" (2Co 12:7) was a weakness of the eyes which rendered it difficult for him to write. See also Ga 4:15. As many as desire to make a fair show in the flesh, etc. To comply with the worldly demands. They desire to have you circumcised, because, if you are not, and they fellowship you, the Jews will persecute them. For neither they themselves who are circumcised keep the law. They do not keep the law in all its details, but want to bring you under it that they may boast of their Gentile proselytes.

That they may glory in your flesh. Glory because circumcision has made marks in your flesh.
God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord. Not only will he not glory in what does away with the cross (Ga 5:11), but God forbid that he should glory in anything but the cross.

By whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world. By this cross he also is crucified, so crucified that he is dead to the world. It is separated from him.
Neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision.

See PNT Ga 5:6. Circumcision in itself is a matter of indifference.

But a new creature. To be a new creature, neither Jew nor Gentile, but a child of God is essential.
As many as walk according to this rule. The rule just named in Ga 6:15. A benediction is pronounced upon all such.

And upon the Israel of God. Rather, "Even upon", etc. The Greek word "kai" often means "even", and does here, as the Israel of God does not differ from those who follow "this rule".
From henceforth let no man trouble me. Dispute my apostolic authority.

I bear in my body the marks of our Lord Jesus. He bore on his body too many evidence of what he had suffered for Christ. As slaves were often branded by their master's name, so he had the brand of Christ upon him in his scars. Compare 2Co 11:24,25.
Brethren, the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ [be] with your spirit. This is his parting benediction. It rests not upon the flesh against which he had warned them, but upon the highest part of their being, the spirit.
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