John 1:20

He confessed, etc. Some conjectured that John was the expected Christ; others that he was Elijah who was first to come (Mal 4:5); others that he was "that prophet", the one predicted by Moses (De 18:15); but he declared that he was none of these.

John 1:29

The next day John seeth Jesus. Here Jesus first appears, in person, in John's account, who omits all the details given by Matthew and Luke of his earlier life. He was now thirty years old, and came from Galilee to Jordan to be baptized of John. This interview was after the baptism (Joh 1:33), and probably after the Temptation.

Behold the Lamb of God. Innocent like the lamb, to be offered as a lamb, "led as a lamb to the slaughter" (Isa 53:7). The lamb was commonly used as a sin offering (Le 4:32), and when John points to Jesus as "the" Lamb of God he can only mean that God had provided him as a sacrificial offering.

The sin of the world. Not of Jews only, but of Gentiles. John points to Jesus as the world's Savior.
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