Luke 2:1

The Birth of Jesus SUMMARY OF LUKE 2: The Decree of Augustus Caesar. The Journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem. The Babe in the Manger. The Shepherds and the Song of the Angels. The Circumcision of the Child. The Child in the Temple. The Prophecy of Simeon. The Prophecy of Anna. The Child at Nazareth. Jesus with the Doctors. My Father's Business.

Went out a decree from Caesar Augustus. Augustus Caesar, the nephew and heir of Julius Caesar, the first of the Roman emperors, was now the ruler of the civilized world. Though Judea was ruled by Herod as king, he was dependent upon and the servant of Augustus Caesar.

That all the world. The Roman empire which embraced all the world then known to civilization; all southern and western Europe, western Asia and northern Africa.

Should be taxed. A census was to be taken as a preliminary to a poll tax in the provinces.
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