Luke 4:16-30

Went into the synagogue. The meetings were held every Sabbath in the synagogues, and Jesus was accustomed, and Jesus was accustomed to attend, as were all religious Jews. Compare with Mt 13:53-58 Mr 6:1-5. Critics differ whether this is an account of the same visit as that of Matthew 13, or a different one. It seems probable that there were two visits.

Stood up for to read. To indicate his readiness to read. It was allowed that any member of the synagogue might read the lesson, and this was the one in which he had been reared.
The book of the prophet Isaiah. There were regular readings for each Sabbath, and that of this one was partly in Isaiah. The book was a roll of manuscript.

He found the place. A passage that refers to the Messiah. All will note how accurately it describes his work. Isa 61:1-3.
Closed the book. Rolled up the manuscript.

Gave [it] again to the minister. Not a rabbi, but an officer who had charge of the building and its furniture.

And sat down. It was the custom of the synagogue to stand while reading, to sit while teaching.

The eyes of all . . . in the synagogue. The man brought up among them was about to address them for the first time. The report from other places preceded this visit; the passage was remarkable, and doubtless there was something in the appearance of our Lord, especially under these circumstances, which would command unusual attention (Schaff). His mother, brethren and sisters were probably present.
This day is this scripture fulfilled. By the preaching to which they were now about to listen. Bare him witness, and wondered. As he proceeded with his discourse.

Is not this Joseph's son? They were astonished that Joseph's son, without rabbinical education, could speak with such power and knowledge.
Physician, heal thyself. This seems to have been answered to their whispered words and the thoughts he read in their hearts. They had heard of his fame in Capernaum, but they knew him as a poor young man, and his family was poor. "If he has such power as fame reports, let him better his own condition". Verily I say unto you.

See PNT Mt 5:18. This expression occurs eight times in Luke.

No prophet is accepted in his own country. He replied to their proverb with another, often verified.
Many widows were in Israel. He points out that Elijah saved a Sidonian widow, and Elisha healed a Syrian leper, passing by Hebrews and healing Gentiles, and thus he points to the salvation of Gentiles by Christ. Sarepta. The same as Zarephatha, a town between Tyre and Sidon. See 1Ki 17:9,10. Naaman. See 2Ki 5:14. Were filled with wrath. They were so filled with bigotry that the suggestion of the salvation of the Gentiles was intolerable, and in their rage they sought to slay him. See Ac 2:22, where a similar suggestion leads the Jews to seek Paul's death. Passing through the midst of them. With a majesty that overawed them.
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