Mark 5:1-21

Healing the Afflicted SUMMARY OF MARK 5: In the Country of the Gadarenes. The Fierce Demoniac. The Demons and the Swine. The Gadarenes Do Not Wish Jesus. The Preacher in Decapolis. Jesus Again in Capernaum. The Daughter of Jairus. The Woman with the Issue of Blood. Healed by Faith. The Dead Damsel Made Alive.

They came over unto the other side. After the storm.

Into the country of the Gadarenes. Matthew in the parallel account says "Gergesenes" (Mt 8:28). The explanation is easy. Gerasa, a town whose modern name is Gersa, stood on the southeast shore of the sea, while Gadara, the chief city of the district, was south about seven or eight miles. As the capital of the district, "the country of the Gadarenes" embraced Gerasa and its vicinity.
There met him out of the tombs. The tombs are still seen in the cliff near Gersa. For notes on demoniacal possession and this account see Mt 8:28-33. Compare Lu 8:26-39. Dwelling among the tombs. The tombs of that age were either natural or artificial caves in a rocky hillside, and hence would afford shelter. They are now sometimes the homes of the poorer classes.

No man could bind him. Modern lunatics in their frenzy often exhibit almost superhuman strength.
Besought him much, etc. In other words, "Do not send us back to the place of perdition from whence we came". They confess the power of Christ. Nigh unto the mountains. At Gersa the mountain rises near the sea.

A great herd of swine. Either the property of Gentiles, or of Jews who disobeyed the law of Moses for gain.
A steep place. The declivity at the base of the mountain at Gersa is almost perpendicular. They began to pray him to depart. Christ does not stay where he is not wanted. He never visited the country of the Gadarenes again. Decapolis. A district so called from its ten cities, of which Gadara was one. The first preacher of Christ there was one who could testify of his power. When Jesus was passed . . . to the other side. Sailed back across the sea to Capernaum.
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