Matthew 17:5

A bright cloud overshadowed them. Christ, Moses and Elijah are represented as in the cloud which separated them from the disciples' sight; and out of this cloud the voice spoke to the disciples. By the disciples such a luminous cloud would be instantly accepted as a symbol of Divine presence. A bright cloud, the Shekinah, is throughout the Old Testament dispensation employed as a symbol of God's presence, being very generally entitled "the glory", or "the glory of the Lord". (See, for example, Ex 16:10 19:9 24:16,17.)

This is my beloved Son. The same voice which had once before been heard at the baptism. Such a confirmation of the great confession of Peter was never to be forgotten. Almost a generation later, when he wrote his second epistle, the remembrance of this night was as vivid as ever: "For he received from God the Father honor and glory, when there came such a voice to him from the excellent glory" (2Pe 1:17).

Hear ye him. The Divine voice that spoke at Sinai and the baptism is heard, declaring Christ's superiority to Moses and Elijah, in that he is "the beloved Son", and commanding all to "Hear Him". Henceforth, not Moses, or Elijah, are the lawgivers of the people of God, but Christ. The saints are bidden to turn from every human teacher, even those as revered as Moses and Elijah, to listen to our Lord. To "hear Him" will lead from error and sin into truth, righteousness and fitness for heaven.
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