Matthew 21:10-11

All the city was moved. The procession burst into full view of Jerusalem as it appeared on the Mount of Olives, 200 feet higher than the temple mount. There, as the city appeared in all its splendor, according to Luke, he stopped and wept over its coming sorrows (Lu 19:41-44). As the procession descended, it was in plain view of all Jerusalem, and its magnitude, shouts and songs excited the wonder of the whole city. Jesus the prophet of Nazareth. The inquiry arose everywhere, "Who is this"? to which the Galileans who composed so large a part of the procession, responded: "It is Jesus, the prophet of Nazareth, of Galilee". Of this they were sure; of his real character none but his own disciples knew, and they imperfectly. The Galileans regarded him the prophet named by Moses in De 18:18.
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