Matthew 3:2

Repent ye. The great rite of John was baptism, but the great duty commanded was repentance. Repentance is more than a sorrow for sin; it is a determination to abandon it and live a new life. It means a change of the will, or heart, new purposes, a determination to leave off sinning. Sorrow is not repentance, but "godly sorrow worketh repentance" (2Co 7:10).

The kingdom of heaven. The long expected kingdom ruled by the Messiah King, predicted by the prophets, and especially by Daniel (Da 2:44). The announcement of this anxiously-waited-for kingdom thrilled all Judea.

Is at hand. It is to be noted: (1) That the kingdom to which he referred was in the future, but near. It did not begin with Abraham, or David, or even with John the Baptist. (2) It is the kingdom of "heaven", not an earthly kingdom, and hence, must have a King sent from heaven. That King was not yet revealed to the public, but we have seen that one was born at Bethlehem who was to be the King. John was not the founder, but the herald of the coming King.

Matthew 4:17

From that time. Probably from the time of the settlement of Jesus in Capernaum.

Jesus began to preach. This is the beginning of the Galilean ministry.

And to say, Repent, etc. The message that Jesus now preaches is identical with that of John the Baptist. See Mt 3:2. He commands repentance, and declares the kingdom of heaven is at hand, not yet come, but near. All is still preparatory. Jesus had not yet declared himself as the Messiah.

Matthew 10:7

Preach, . . . The kingdom of heaven is at hand. John the Baptist, and Christ also, had preached, "The kingdom is at hand" (Mt 3:2 4:17). It had not yet been inaugurated. So the apostles were still to preach. It was near, but not in existence. There was no such charge in the second commission. Then "all power . . . in heaven and in earth" (Mt 28:18) was in the hands of Christ. He became King after he suffered, and his kingdom was inaugurated on earth on the day of Pentecost. When he was "lifted up" (Joh 3:14), he became King.
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