Matthew 4:23

Jesus went about all Galilee. In Mt 4:23-25 are condensed the labors and teaching of a long period, of which a detailed account is given in the following chapters.

Teaching in their synagogues. The synagogues, the Jewish houses of worship, where the Jews met every Sabbath, furnished Jesus a congregation and a suitable place for teaching. It was customary to read the Old Testament in course, and after the reading, a teacher or a rabbi, was usually called on to speak. The custom gave Jesus, and his apostles after him, a fine opportunity to declare the New Covenant. THE SYNAGOGUE is so often named in the New Testament that one ought to clearly understand its character. It corresponded to the Christian "congregation". Wherever ten Jews were found it was their duty to form a synagogue. It had elders, of whom the president was called the "ruler" of the synagogue. The ruler presided over the worship, and all the elders sat on raised seats. These were "the chief seats" that the Pharisees liked to sit it. There was a set lesson from the Scriptures for each Sabbath, for they were read in order. The reader was appointed by the ruler and might be any member. On one occasion we learn that Jesus was the reader. After the reading and prayers, there was an opportunity for any Jewish theological teacher to speak. Of this opportunity Jesus, and later, Paul often availed themselves. The service of the synagogue in our times is, in many respects, similar to that of the time of Christ. The officers of the synagogue had the power of scourging, of suspending, or of excommunicating (casting out) offenders.

Preaching the gospel of the kingdom. Gospel means "good news". He announced the good news of the speedy advent of the long expected kingdom of the Messiah. He did not, however, at this time proclaim himself to be the Messiah.

Healing all manner of sickness. He sympathized with all human affliction and healed the body in order that he might heal the soul.
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