Matthew 7:21-27

Not every one, etc. The Lord has shown that the entrance into the kingdom is through the "strait gate". He now shows more particularly what is needed to enter. Certain ones are described who cannot enter in. "Not every one" implies that some who say, "Lord, Lord", etc., shall enter in. Those enter that doeth the will of my Father. No one can be a citizen of the kingdom who does not obey the King. Many will say to me in that day. The great day of the Lord.

Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? The Lord chooses out of the greatest class of non-doers to show that all such will fail of entrance. They have omitted the one thing needful, a faithful obedience.
I never knew you. "I never knew you" must be accepted in its deeper signification of "recognizing the disciples". Augustine says that for Christ to say, "I never knew you", is only another way of saying, "You never knew me".

Depart from me, ye that work iniquity. In spite of all their professions they had been evil doers. Their religion expended itself in professions and prayers. Hence, in "that day" they are commanded to depart. What it is to so depart we may learn from Mt 25:41. It is evident from this passage that many are self-deceived.
Whosoever heareth these sayings of mine. The words that he has spoken in this discourse, and all his teachings.

I will liken him unto a wise man. The wise man, with wise forethought, has built on a firm foundation. In a country with a rainy season and heavy floods this was essential. The man who "hears and does" Christ's words is building upon the rock (Mt 16:16).
The rain descended, . . . and it fell not. Palestine is a country of torrents and sands. This verse gives a picture of the sudden violent storms and sweeping floods which are so common during the rainy season. The house founded upon the rock could not be undermined and destroyed, but would stand firm. So, says the Lord, shall it be with those who hear and obey. "They shall stand in the judgment" (Ps 1:5). Heareth these sayings . . . and doeth them not. The hearer who obeys not is likened to the foolish man who built his house on the sand. Every one knows how transitory and shifting is a sandy foundation. Whole towns on the Missouri or lower Mississippi have been undermined and gone into the vortex because they were built upon the sand. So will fall the disobedient. Great was the fall of it. The Lord describes the thoughtfulness of the builder on the sand, the storm and the utter destruction. There is an awful solemnity about this close to the wonderful sermon.
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