Revelation of John 1:13

And in the midst. It is a beautiful thought that he who said "I will be with you always" is represented as moving in the midst of the church (Mt 28:20).

The Son of man. A term used in Da 7:13 and applied by the Savior to Himself, but never applied to him by the New Testament writers except here, Re 14:14, and Ac 7:56.

A garment down to the foot. The long robe of a high priest girt about with the golden girdle of a king.

Revelation of John 1:16

In his right hand seven stars. See Re 1:20.

And out of his mouth went a sharp twoedged sword. This two-edged sword is a symbol of the word by which Christ's conquests are won. See Eph 6:17 Heb 4:12, and compare Re 19:15.

His countenance [was] as the sun shineth in his strength. The glory of his countenance is the same that was manifested at the Transfiguration (Mt 17:2).

Revelation of John 1:20

The mystery of the seven stars. The Lord himself at once explains what the seven stars and seven candlesticks symbolize. The seven candlesticks represent the churches, or organizations appointed to "let their light shine" (Mt 5:16) and become "the light of the world" (Re 5:14).

And the seven stars are the angels of the churches. These were, I think, the evangelists of the churches.
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