Revelation of John 12:3

Behold a great red dragon. Another wonder is seen, also in the sky, a great serpent-like figure, red, with seven heads and ten horns. This figure, we learn from Re 12:9 is a devilish manifestation. The devil uses it for his purposes. The red color implies a persecuting power.

Having seven heads and ten horns. The seven heads are explained in Re 17:9, where the seven-headed beast appears again, to be seven mountains, and also seven kingdoms; the ten horns are there said to be ten kingdoms which did not yet exist. We have also this monster appearing substantially in Da 7:7. I will discuss it more particularly in chapter 17 (see PNT Re 17:12), but will here say that there is little doubt that it represents the persecuting powers of the earth which have opposed God and his Israel; the great world powers arrayed against God. This world power appears as Pagan Rome in the persecution of the Woman; the Church. The dragon was the standard of Pagan Rome in the third century, as testified by many ancient writers.
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