Revelation of John 19:20

And the beast was taken. It is the beast's last appearance. He is now finally overthrown.

And with him the false prophet. The false prophet, the beast, and the dragon have been named in Re 16:13 as calling the kings of the earth to the battle of Armageddon.

See PNT Re 16:3. This is the same conflict is given.

That wrought the miracles. This description identifies the false prophet. He is the lamb-like dragon of Re 13:11, the false spiritual despotism, the apostate church. This false prophet is now taken.

These both were cast alive into a lake of fire. In Re 18:8 it is said that Babylon shall be burned with fire. Here the false prophet, both symbols of the same power, is cast into the lake of fire. The symbol indicates utter destruction. What is cast into this lake is seen no more.

Revelation of John 20:10

And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire. This is Satan's last battle. His time has come. The great deceiver is not cast into the bottomless pit now. The lake of fire is opened, and we discover there the beast and the false prophet, but they have gone whence none ever return. There the devil is cast in and locked up to abide with his allies in wickedness forever.

Revelation of John 20:14-15

And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. After this judgment day "death and Hades" (Revised Version) also, death and the unseen land of the dead, disappear forever. This is the significance of being cast into the lake of fire, the eternal prison house. Until the end of the Millennium and the final judgment men shall die, but after the grand epoch in the history of the universe, there shall be no more death. The last enemy, death, shall be destroyed. Then shall come to pass the saying that is written, "O! death, where is your sting? O! grave, where is your victory"? (1Co 15:55). Was cast into the lake of fire. Into the same lake of fire, that prison house to which have gone the false prophet and the beast, to which has been consigned the dragon, "that old serpent the devil" (Re 12:9 20:2), the "eternal fire which has been prepared for the devil and his angels" (Mt 25:41). There shall also be banished those whose "name has not been written in the book of life" (Re 13:8 17:8).

This is the second death. As far as Inspiration throws its light upon the sad lot of those consigned to that "lake of fire" (Re 19:20 20:10,14,15), theirs is an eternal fire. When some one has shown that doors of this final prison of the Universe have opened to permit the escape of those who have been consigned to its keeping, then we may perhaps indulge some hope that its prisoners will, in the lapse of endless years, escape from their sad environment.
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