Revelation of John 2


The natural explanation of the "messengers" is that they were men sent by the seven churches to ascertain the state of the aged apostle, now an exile in Patmos (cf) Philippians 4:18 but they figure any who bear God's messages to a church.


The messages to the seven churches have a fourfold application:

  • (1) Local, to the churches actually addressed;
  • (2) admonitory, to all churches in all time as tests by which they may discern their true spiritual state in the sight of God;
  • (3) personal, in the exhortations to him "that hath an ear," and in the promise "to him that overcometh";
  • (4) prophetic, as disclosing seven phases of the spiritual history of the church from, say, A.D. 96 to the end. It is incredible that in a prophecy covering the church period, there should be no such foreview. These messages must contain that foreview if it is in the book at all, for the church does not appear after Revelation 3:22. Again, these messages by their very terms go beyond the local assemblies mentioned. Most conclusively of all, these messages do present an exact foreview of the spiritual history of the church, and in this precise order. Ephesus gives the general state at the date of the writing; Smyrna, the period of the great persecutions; Pergamos, the church settled down in the world, "where Satan's throne is," after the conversion of Constantine, say A.D. 316. Thyatira is the Papacy, developed out of the Pergamos state: Balaamism (worldliness) and Nicolaitanism (priestly assumption) having conquered. As Jezebel brought idolatry into Israel, so Romanism weds Christian doctrine to pagan ceremonies. Sardis is the Protestant Reformation, whose works were not "fulfilled." Philadelphia is whatever bears clear testimony to the Word and the Name in the time of self-satisfied profession represented by Laodicea.

mystery(See Scofield "Matthew 13:11").

From nikao, "to conquer," and laos, "the people," or "laity." There is no ancient authority for a sect of the Nicolaitanes. If the word is symbolic it refers to the earliest form of the notion of a priestly order, or "clergy," which later divided an equal brotherhood Matthew 23:8 into "priests" and "laity." What in Ephesus was "deeds" Revelation 2:6 had become in Pergamos a "doctrine Revelation 2:15.

Nicolaitanes Revelation 2:15, contra, ; 1 Peter 5:2,3; Matthew 24:49.

(See Scofield "Hebrews 1:4").

(See Scofield "Hebrews 1:4").
The "doctrine" of Balaam

The doctrine of Balaam (CF) (See Scofield "2 Peter 2:15") See Scofield "Jude 1:11" was his teaching Balak to corrupt the people who could not be cursed. ; Numbers 31:15,16; 22:5; 23:8 by tempting them to marry women of Moab, defile their separation, and abandon their pilgrim character. It is that union with the world and the church which is spiritual unchastity. James 4:4. Pergamos had lost the pilgrim character and was "dwelling" Revelation 2:13 "where Satan's throne is," in the world. ; John 12:31; 14:30; 16:11.
a white stone

Signifies approval.

(See Scofield "Hebrews 1:4").

Revelation of John 3


(See Scofield "Hebrews 1:4").

(See Scofield "Matthew 5:48").

(See Scofield "Hebrews 1:4").

(See Scofield "Hebrews 1:4").

"oikoumene" = inhabited earth. (See Scofield "Luke 2:1").
go no more

See, Psalms 23:6, contrast, Hebrews 13:14.

This passage, in harmony with Luke 1:32,33; Matthew 19:28; Acts 2:30,34,35; Acts 15:14-16 is conclusive that Christ is not now seated upon His own throne. The Davidic Covenant, and the promises of God through the prophets and Angle Gabriel concerning the Messianic kingdom await fulfilment.

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