Romans 11:5


Remnant, Summary: In the history of Israel, a "remnant" may be discerned, a spiritual Israel within the national Israel. In Elijah's time 7,000 had not bowed the knee to Baal 1 Kings 19:18. In Isaiah's time it was the "very small remnant" for whose sake God still forbore to destroy the nation Isaiah 1:9. During the captivities the remnant appears in Jews like Ezekiel, Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, Esther, and Mordecai. At the end of the 70 years of Babylonian captivity it was the remnant which returned under Ezra and Nehemiah. At the advent of our Lord, John the Baptist, Simeon, Anna, and "them that looked for redemption in Jerusalem" Luke 2:38 were the remnant. During the church-age the remnant is composed of believing Jews Romans 11:4,5. But the chief interest in the remnant is prophetic. During the great tribulation a remnant out of all Israel will turn to Jesus as Messiah, and will become His witnesses after the removal of the church Revelation 7:3-8. Some of these will undergo martyrdom Revelation 6:9-11 some will be spared to enter the millennial kingdom Zechariah 12:6-13:9. Many of the Psalms express, prophetically, the joys and sorrows of the tribulation remnant.

remnant Remnant. See, Isaiah 1:9.

grace Grace (in salvation). vs. 2 Corinthians 8:9; Romans 3:24 See note, (See Scofield "John 1:17").
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