2 Kings 15:25

A.M. 3245. B.C. 759. Pekah.

27; 2Ch 28:6

a captain.

9:5; 1Ki 16:9


10; 9:14

with Argob.From the contstruction of the Hebrew text, it would appear that Argob and Arieh were slain with the king, and that the fifty Gileadites were conspirators with Pekah.

2 Kings 15:37

A.M. 3262. B.C. 742. In those days."At the end of Jotham's reign." This Jotham died at forty-one. He was too great a blessing to be continued long to such an unworthy people. His death was a judgment, especially considering the character of Ahaz, his son and successor: for we read, (16:3) Ahaz made his son pass through the fire. This son may have been Hezekiah, who served the Lord, and whose prayer in sickness was most graciously herd and answered.

Isa 38:1-22


10:32; 1Sa 3:12; Jer 25:29; Lu 21:28

to send.

De 28:48; Ps 78:49; Isa 10:5-7; Jer 16:16; 43:10


16:5; 2Ch 28:6; Isa 7:1,8; Ho 5:12,13



Isaiah 7:1

1 Ahaz, being troubled with fear of Rezin and Pekah, is comforted by Isaiah.

10 Ahaz, having liberty to choose a sign, and refusing it, hath for a sign, Christ promised.

17 His judgment is prophesied to come by Assyria.

the days.

2Ki 16:1; 2Ch 28:1-6


8:6; 2Ki 15:37; Ps 83:3-5

but could.

4-9; 8:9,10

Isaiah 7:4

Take heed.

30:7,15; Ex 14:13,14; 2Ch 20:17; La 3:26

fear not.

8:11-14; 35:4; 41:14; 51:12,13; Mt 10:28; 24:6

neither be faint-hearted. Heb. let not they heart be tender.

De 20:3; 1Sa 17:32

the two tails.

8; 8:4; 2Ki 15:29,30; Am 4:11

Isaiah 7:9

the head.

1Ki 16:24-29; 2Ki 15:27

If ye, etc. or, ye not believe? it is because ye are notstable.

2Ch 20:20; Ac 27:11,25; Ro 11:20; Heb 11:6; 1Jo 5:10
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