Exodus 15:10


14:21; Ge 8:1; Ps 74:13,14; 135:7; 147:18; Isa 11:15; Jer 10:13

Am 4:13; Mt 8:27

the sea.

14:28; De 11:4

they sank.


Joshua 10:11

the Lord.

Ge 19:24; Ex 9:22-26; Jud 5:20; Ps 11:6; 18:12-14; 77:17,18

Isa 28:2; 30:30; Eze 13:11; Re 11:19; 16:21

Judges 5:20-21


Jos 10:11; 1Sa 7:10; Ps 77:17,18

the stars.


courses. Heb. paths.


4:7,13; 1Ki 18:40; Ps 83:9,10

O my soul.

Ge 49:18; Ps 44:5; Isa 25:10; Mic 7:10

1 Kings 20:30

the rest.

Ps 18:25

a wall.

Isa 24:18; Jer 48:44; Am 2:14,15; 5:19; 9:3; Lu 13:4


10,20; Da 4:37

into an inner chamber. or, from chamber to chamber. Heb.into a chamber within a chamber.

22:25; 2Ch 18:24

Psalms 3:7


10:12; 12:5; 35:23; 44:23; 59:5; 74:11; 76:9; Isa 51:9; Hab 2:19


58:6; Job 16:10; 29:17; La 3:30

Psalms 43:1

1 David, praying to be restored to the temple, promises to serve God joyfully.

5 He encourages his soul to trust in God.

A.M. 2983. B.C. 1021. (Title.)This Psalm is evidently a continuation of the preceding, and had the same author; and they are written as one in forty-six MSS. The sameness of subject, similarity of composition, and return of the same burden in both, are sufficient evidence of this opinion.


7:8; 26:1; 35:24; 75:7; 1Co 4:4; 1Pe 2:23


35:1; 1Sa 24:15; Pr 22:23; 23:11; Mic 7:9

ungodly. or, unmerciful. the deceitful. Heb. a man ofdeceit and iniquity.

71:4; 2Sa 15:31; 16:20-23; 17:1-4
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