Leviticus 17:3-5

be of.


that killeth an.

De 12:5-7,11-15,20-22,26,27


1:3; De 12:5,6,13,14; Eze 20:40; Joh 10:7,9; 14:6

blood shall.

7:18; Ps 32:2; Ro 4:6; 5:13,20; Phm 1:18,19

he hath.

Isa 66:3

be cut off.

10,14; 18:29; 20:3,16,18; Ge 17:14; Ex 12:15,19; Nu 15:30,31

in the open.

Ge 21:33; 22:2,13; 31:54; De 12:2; 1Ki 14:23; 2Ki 16:4; 17:10

2Ch 28:4; Eze 20:28; 22:9

and offer them.

3:1-17; 7:11-21; Ex 24:5

Deuteronomy 12:21-22

to put.

5,11; 14:23,24; 16:6,11; 26:2; Ex 20:24; 1Ki 14:21; 2Ch 12:13

Ezr 6:12


Deuteronomy 14:5

the wild goat.The word {akko,} according to the LXX. and Vulgate, signifies the {tragelephus,} or goat-deer; so called from its resemblance to both species. Dr. Shaw states that an animal of this kind is found in the East, where it is called {fishtûll,} and {lerwee.} pygarg. or, bison. Heb. dishon. The {pygarg,} [pygargos,] or white-buttocks, according to the LXX.; and Dr. Shaw states that the {liâmee,} as the Africans call it, is exactly such an animal; being of the same shape and colour as the antelope, and of the size of a roebuck.

the wild ox.{Theo,} probably the {oryx} of the Greeks, a species of large stag; and the {Bekkar el wash} of Dr. Shaw.


Deuteronomy 15:22-23

the unclean.


the roe-buck.{Tzevee,} in Arabic {zaby,} Chaldee and Syriac {tavya,} denotes the gazelle or antelope, so called from its stately beauty, as the word imports. In size it is smaller than the roe, of an elegant form, and it motions are light and graceful. It bounds seemingly without effort, and runs with such swiftness that few creatures can exceed it. (2 Sa 2:18.) Its fine eyes are so much celebrated as even to become a proverb; and its flesh is much esteemed for food among eastern nations, having a sweet, musky taste, which is highly agreeable to their palates. (1 Ki 4:23.) If to these circumstances we add, that they are gregarious, and common all over the East, whereas the roe is either not known at all, or else very rare in these countries, little doubt can remain that the gazelle and not the roe is intended by the original word.

12:16,23; Le 7:26; 1Sa 14:32; Eze 33:25
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