Leviticus 26:34-35

This was fulfilled during the Babylonish captivity: for, from Saul to the captivity are about 490 years, during which period there were 70 sabbaths of years neglected by the Hebrews. Now the Babylonish captivity lasted 70 years, and during that time the land of Israel rested.

25:2-4,10; 2Ch 36:21

Isa 24:5,6; Ro 8:22

Deuteronomy 19:19

Then shall.

Pr 19:5,9; Jer 14:15; Da 6:24

so shalt.

13:5; 17:7; 19:20; 21:20,21; 22:21,24; 24:7

Judges 1:6-7


their thumbs. Heb. the thumbs of their hands and of theirfeet. This was not an unusual act of cruelty in ancient times towards enemies.--Ælian informs us, that in after ages "the Athenians, at the instigation of Cleon, son of Cleoenetus, made a decree that all the inhabitants of the island of Ægina should have the thumb cut off from the right hand, so that they might ever after be disabled from holding a spear, yet might handle an oar." It was a custom among those Romans who did not like a military life, to cut off their thumbs, that they might be incapable of serving in the army; and for the same reason, parents sometimes cut off the thumbs of their children.

gathered. or, gleaned. as I have.

Ex 21:23-25; Le 24:19-21; 1Sa 15:33; Isa 33:1; Mt 7:1,2

Lu 6:37,38; Ro 2:15; Jas 2:13; Re 13:10; 16:6

Esther 7:10

Then was the king's.

Jud 15:7; Eze 5:13; Zec 6:8

Daniel 6:24

and they brought.

De 19:18-20; Es 7:10; 9:25; Pr 11:8

them.This savage act accorded with the customs of those times; contrary to the Divine law which enacted that "the fathers should not be put to death for the children, nor the children for the fathers."

their children.

De 24:16; Jos 7:24,25; 2Ki 14:6; Es 9:10

the lions.

3:22; Ps 54:5; Isa 38:13

Matthew 7:2

Jud 1:7; Ps 18:25,26; 137:7,8; Jer 51:24; Ob 1:15; Mr 4:24; Lu 6:38

2Co 9:6; 2Th 1:6,7; Jas 2:13; Re 18:6
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