Numbers 1:50

thou shalt.

3:1-10; 4:15,25-33; Ex 31:18; 32:26-29; 38:21; 1Ch 23:1-32

1Ch 25:1-26:32; Ezr 8:25-30,33,34; Ne 12:8,22,47; 13:5,10-13,22

the tabernacle.

53; 20:11; Ex 31:18; 38:21; Ps 122:4

shall encamp.

2:17; 3:23-38; 10:21

Numbers 8:11

offer. Heb. wave. offering. Heb. wave-offering.Not that they were actually waved, but they were presented to God, as the God of heaven, and the Lord of the whole earth, as the wave offerings were; and in calling them wave-offerings, it was intimated to them that they must move to and fro with readiness in the business of their profession.

6:20; Ex 29:24; Le 7:30; 8:27,29

they may execute. Heb. they may be to execute, etc.

1:49-53; 3:5-43

Numbers 8:15

go in.

11; 3:23-37; 4:3-32; 1Ch 23:1-32; 25:1-26:32

and offer.

11,13; 3:12

Numbers 8:24-26

from twenty.In ch. 4:3, the Levites are appointed to the service of the tabernacle at the age of 30 years; and in 1 Ch 23:24, they are ordered to commence their work at 20 years of age. In order to reconcile this apparent discrepancy, it is to be observed, 1. At the time of which Moses speaks in ch. 4:3, the Levitical service was exceedingly severe, and consequently required full grown, robust men, to perform it; the age of 30 was therefore appointed as the period for commencing this service, the weightier part of which was probably there intended. 2. In this place God seems to speak of the service in a general way: hence the age of 25 is fixed. 3. In David's time, and afterwards, in the fixed tabernacle and temple, the laboriousness of the service no longer existed, and hence 20 years was the age appointed.

4:3,23; 1Ch 23:3,24-27; 28:12,13

wait upon. Heb. war the warfare of, etc.

1Co 9:7; 2Co 10:4; 1Ti 1:18; 6:12; 2Ti 2:3-5

cease waiting upon the service thereof. Heb. return from thewarfare of the service.

4:23; 2Ti 4:7The Levites, above fifty years of age, might superintend and assist their junior brethren in the ordinary offices, and give them and the people counsel and instruction; but they were exempted from carrying the tabernacle and from other laborious services. It is remarkable, that no law was made concerning the age at which the priests should begin to officiate, and though various blemishes disqualified them for the service of the sanctuary, yet they continued their ministrations till death, if capable. On the other hand, nothing is said concerning any bodily defects or blemishes disqualifying the Levites; but the time of their service is expressly settled. Their work was far more laborious than that of the priests; it is therefore likely that the priests would not begin very early to officiate; and the wisdom and experience of age would increase, rather than diminish, their fitness for the sacred duties of their office.

to keep.

1:53; 3:32; 18:4; 31:30; 1Ch 23:32; 26:20-29; Eze 44:8,11

and shall.

1Ti 4:15
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