Psalms 141:5

the righteous.

1Sa 25:31-34; 2Sa 12:7-13; 2Ch 16:7-10; 25:16; Pr 6:23; 9:8,9

Pr 15:5,22; 19:25; 25:12; 27:5,6; Ga 2:11-14; 6:1; Re 3:19

smite, etc. or, smite me kindly and reprove me; let nottheir precious oil break my head, etc. for yet my.

51:18; 125:4; Mt 5:44; 2Ti 1:16-18; Jas 5:14-16

Proverbs 27:9


7:17; Jud 9:9; Ps 45:7,8; 104:15; 133:2; So 1:3; 3:6; 4:10; Joh 12:3

2Co 2:15,16


15:23; 16:21,23,24; Ex 18:17-24; 1Sa 23:16,17; Ezr 10:2-4

Ac 28:15

by hearty counsel. Heb. from the counsel of the soul.

Song of Solomon 1:3

the savour.

3:6; 4:10; 5:5,13; Ex 30:23-28; Ps 45:7,8; 133:2; Pr 27:9; Ec 7:1

Isa 61:3; Joh 12:3; 2Co 2:14-16; Php 4:18

thy name.

Ex 33:12,19; 34:5-7; Ps 89:15,16; Isa 9:6,7; Jer 23:5,6

Mt 1:21-23; Php 2:9,10

the virgins.

6:8; Ps 45:14; Mt 25:1; 2Co 11:2; Re 14:4

John 12:3


11:2,28,32; Mt 26:6,7-13; Mr 14:3-9

Lu 10:38,39


Ps 132:2; So 1:12; 4:10,13,14

spikenard.Spikenard is a highly a romatic plant growing in India, whence was made a very valuable unguent or perfume, used at the ancient baths and feasts. It is identified by Sir W. Jones with the {sumbul} of the Persians and Arabs, and {jatamansi} of the Hindoos; and he considers it a species of the valerian, of the triandria monogynia class of plants. The root is from three to twelve inches long, fibrous, sending up above the earth between thirty and forty ears or spikes, from which it has its name; stem, lower part perennial, upper part herbaceous, sub-erect, simple, from six to twelve inches long; leaves entire, smooth, fourfold, the inner radical pair petioled and cordate, the rest sessile and lanceolate; pericarp, a single seed crowned with a pappus.


Mr 14:3; Lu 7:37,38,46


So 1:3
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