Psalms 44:12


De 32:30; Isa 50:1; 52:3,4; Jer 15:13

for nought. Heb. without riches. increase.

Ne 5:8-12; Re 18:13

Isaiah 45:13

raised him.

1-6; 41:2,25; 46:11; 48:14,15

in righteousness.

42:6; Ps 65:5

direct. or, make straight.


he shall build.

44:28; 52:5; 2Ch 36:22,23; Ezr 1:3-11

let go

49:25; 52:2,3; Ro 3:24-26; 1Pe 1:18,19



Isaiah 50:1

1 Christ shews that the dereliction of the Jews is not to be imputed to him, by his ability to save;

5 by his obedience in that work;

7 and by his confidence in that assistance.

10 An exhortation to trust in God, and not in ourselves.

the bill.

De 24:1-4; Jer 3:1,8; Ho 2:2-4; Mr 10:4-12

or which.

Ex 21:7; Le 25:39; De 32:30; 2Ki 4:1; Ne 5:5; Es 7:4; Ps 44:12

Mt 18:25

Behold.Husbands often sent bills of divorcement to their wives on slight occasions; and fathers, oppressed with debt, sold their children till the year of release. But this, saith God, cannot be my case: I am not governed by any such motives, nor am I urged by any such necessity. Your captivity and afflictions are the fruits of your own folly and wickedness.

for your iniquities.

52:3; 59:1,2; 1Ki 21:25; 2Ki 17:17; Jer 3:8; 4:18

Jeremiah 15:13


8; 17:3; 20:5


Ps 44:12; Isa 52:3,5

Romans 7:14-25

the law.

Le 19:18; De 6:5; Ps 51:6; Mt 5:22,28; 22:37-40; Heb 4:12


18,22,23; Job 42:6; Ps 119:25; Pr 30:2,5; Isa 6:5; 64:5,6; Lu 5:8

Lu 7:6; 18:11-14; Eph 3:8


Mt 16:23; 1Co 3:1-3


24; Ge 37:27,36; 40:15; Ex 21:2-6; 22:3; 1Ki 21:20,25; 2Ki 17:17

Isa 50:1; 52:3; Am 2:6; Mt 18:25

For that.

14:22; Lu 11:48

allow. or, know.

Ps 1:6; Na 1:7; 2Ti 2:19


16,19,20; 1Ki 8:46; Ps 19:12; 65:3; 119:1-6,32,40; Ec 7:20; Ga 5:17

Php 3:12-14; Jas 3:2; 1Jo 1:7,8

what I hate.

12:9; Ps 36:4; 97:10; 101:3; 119:104,113,128,163; Pr 8:13; 13:5

Am 5:15; Heb 1:9; Jude 1:23

I consent.

12,14,22; Ps 119:127,128

it is no more.

20; 4:7,8; 2Co 8:12; Php 3:8,9


18,20,23; Jas 4:5,6

that in me.

Ge 6:5; 8:21; Job 14:4; 15:14-16; 25:4; Ps 51:5; Isa 64:6; Mt 15:19

Mr 7:21-23; Lu 11:13; Eph 2:1-5; Tit 3:3; 1Pe 4:2

in my.

5,25; 8:3-13; 13:14; Joh 3:6; Ga 5:19-21,24

for to will.

15,19,25; Ps 119:5,32,40,115-117,173,176; Ga 5:17; Php 2:13; 3:12


it is no.


a law.

23; 6:12,14; 8:2; Ps 19:13; 119:133; Joh 8:34; Eph 6:11-13; 2Pe 2:19


2Ch 30:18,19; Ps 19:12; 40:12; 65:3; 119:37; Isa 6:5-7; Zec 3:1-4

Lu 4:1; Heb 2:17; 4:15

I delight.

8:7; Job 23:12; Ps 1:2; 19:8-10; 40:8; 119:16,24,35,47,48,72,92

Ps 119:97-104,111,113,127,167,174; Isa 51:7; Joh 4:34; Heb 8:10


2:29; 2Co 4:16; Eph 3:16; Col 3:9; 1Pe 3:4


5,21,25; 8:2; Ec 7:20; Ga 5:17; 1Ti 6:11,12; Heb 12:4; Jas 3:2; 4:1

1Pe 2:11




14; Ps 142:7; 2Ti 2:25,26


8:26; 1Ki 8:38; Ps 6:6; 32:3,4; 38:2,8-10; 77:3-9; 119:20,81-83,131

Ps 119:143,176; 130:1-3; Eze 9:4; Mt 5:4,6; 2Co 12:7-9; Re 21:4


De 22:26,27; Ps 71:11; 72:12; 91:14,15; 102:20; Mic 7:19

Zec 9:11,12; Lu 4:18; 2Co 1:8-10; 2Ti 4:18; Tit 2:14; Heb 2:15

the body of this. or, this body of.

6:6; 8:13; Ps 88:5; Col 2:11

thank God.

6:14,17; Ps 107:15,16; 116:16,17; Isa 12:1; 49:9,13; Mt 1:21

1Co 15:57; 2Co 9:15; 12:9,10; Eph 5:20; Php 3:3; 4:6; Col 3:17

1Pe 2:5,9

So then.

15-24; Ga 5:17-24

1 Peter 1:18


Ps 49:7,8; 1Co 6:20; 7:23




Ps 39:6; 62:10; Jer 4:11; Ro 1:21; 1Co 3:20


4:3; Jer 9:14; 16:19; 44:17; Eze 20:18; Am 2:4; Zec 1:4-6; Mt 15:2,3

Ac 7:51,52; 19:34,35; Ga 1:4
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