‏ Hosea 7

1 awhen I would heal Israel,
the iniquity of Ephraim is revealed,
and the evil deeds of bSamaria,
for cthey deal falsely;
the thief breaks in,
and the bandits raid outside.
2But they do not consider
that dI remember all their evil.
Now etheir deeds surround them;
fthey are before my face.
3By their evil gthey make hthe king glad,
and the princes by their treachery.
4 iThey are all adulterers;
they are like a heated oven
whose baker ceases to stir the fire,
from the kneading of the dough
until it is leavened.
5On the day of jour king, the princes
became sick with the heat of wine;
he stretched out his hand with mockers.
6For with hearts like an oven kthey approach their intrigue;
all night their anger smolders;
in the morning it blazes like a flaming fire.
7All of them are hot as an oven,
and they devour their rulers.
All ltheir kings mhave fallen,
and none of them calls upon me.
8Ephraim nmixes himself with the peoples;
Ephraim is a cake not turned.
9 oStrangers devour his strength,
and phe knows it not;
gray hairs are sprinkled upon him,
and qhe knows it not.
10 rThe pride of Israel testifies to his face;
Or in his presence

tyet they do not return to the Lord their God,
nor seek him, for all this.
11Ephraim is like a dove,
usilly and without sense,
calling to vEgypt, going to wAssyria.
12As they go, xI will spread over them my net;
I will bring them down like birds of the heavens;
yI will discipline them zaccording to the report made to their congregation.
13 aaWoe to them, for they have strayed from me!
Destruction to them, for they have rebelled against me!
abI would redeem them,
but acthey speak lies against me.
14 adThey do not cry to me from the heart,
but aethey wail upon their beds;
for grain and wine they gash themselves;
they rebel against me.
15Although afI trained and strengthened their arms,
yet they devise evil against me.
16They agreturn, but not upward;
Or to the Most High

they are ailike a treacherous bow;
their princes shall fall by the sword
because of ajthe insolence of their tongue.
This shall be their derision akin the land of Egypt.
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