‏ Isaiah 10

1Woe to those who adecree iniquitous decrees,
and the writers who bkeep writing oppression,
2to turn aside the needy from justice
and cto rob the poor of my people of their right,
that widows may be their spoil,
and that they may make the fatherless their prey!
3What will you do on dthe day of punishment,
in the ruin that will come efrom afar?
To whom will you flee for help,
and where will you leave your wealth?
4Nothing remains but to crouch among the prisoners
or fall among the slain.
fFor all this his anger has not turned away,
and his hand is stretched out still.

Judgment on Arrogant Assyria

5Woe to Assyria, gthe rod of my anger;
the staff in their hands is my fury!
6Against a hgodless nation I send him,
and against the people of my wrath I command him,
to take ispoil and seize plunder,
and to jtread them down like the mire of the streets.
7But he kdoes not so intend,
and his heart does not so think;
but it is in his heart to destroy,
and to cut off nations not a few;
8for he says:
l“Are not my commanders all kings?
9 mIs not nCalno like oCarchemish?
Is not pHamath like qArpad?
rIs not sSamaria like Damascus?
10As my hand has reached to tthe kingdoms of the idols,
whose carved images were greater than those of Jerusalem and Samaria,
11shall I not do to Jerusalem and uher idols
vas I have done to Samaria and her images?”

12 wWhen the Lord has finished all his work on Mount Zion and on Jerusalem, xhe
Hebrew I
will punish the speech of the arrogant heart of the king of Assyria and the boastful look in his eyes.
13 zFor he says:

By the strength of my hand I have done it,
and by my wisdom, for I have understanding;
I remove the boundaries of peoples,
and plunder their treasures;
like a bull I bring down those who sit on thrones.
14My hand has found like a nest
the wealth of the peoples;
and as one gathers eggs that have been forsaken,
so I have gathered all the earth;
and there was none that moved a wing
or opened the mouth or chirped.”
15Shall aathe axe boast over him who hews with it,
or the saw magnify itself against him who wields it?
As if a rod should wield him who lifts it,
or as if a staff should lift him who is not wood!
16Therefore the Lord God of hosts
will send wasting sickness among his abstout warriors,
and under his glory aca burning will be kindled,
like the burning of fire.
17 adThe light of Israel will become a fire,
and aehis Holy One a flame,
and afit will burn and devour
his thorns and briers agin one day.
18The glory of ahhis forest and of his aifruitful land
the Lord will destroy, both soul and body,
and it will be as when a sick man wastes away.
19The remnant of the trees of his forest will be so few
that a child can write them down.

The Remnant of Israel Will Return

20 ajIn that day akthe remnant of Israel and the survivors of the house of Jacob will no more allean on him who struck them, but amwill lean on the Lord, the Holy One of Israel, in truth. 21A remnant will return, the remnant of Jacob, anto the mighty God. 22 aoFor though your people Israel be as the sand of the sea, aponly a remnant of them will return. aqDestruction is decreed, overflowing with righteousness. 23For the Lord God of hosts will make a full end, as decreed, in the midst of all the earth.

24Therefore thus says the Lord God of hosts: “O my people, arwho dwell in Zion, asbe not afraid of the Assyrians when they strike with the rod and lift up their staff against you as atthe Egyptians did. 25For auin a very little while my fury will come to an end, and my anger will be directed to their destruction. 26And avthe Lord of hosts will wield against them a whip, as when he struck awMidian axat the rock of Oreb. And his staff will be over the sea, and he will lift it ayas he did in Egypt. 27And in that day azhis burden will depart from your shoulder, and bahis yoke from your neck; and the yoke will be broken because of the fat.”
The meaning of the Hebrew is uncertain

28He has come to Aiath;
he has passed through bcMigron;
at Michmash he stores bdhis baggage;
29they have crossed over bethe pass;
at bfGeba they lodge for the night;
bgRamah trembles;
bhGibeah of Saul has fled.
30Cry aloud, O daughter of biGallim!
Give attention, O Laishah!
O poor bjAnathoth!
31Madmenah is in flight;
the inhabitants of Gebim flee for safety.
32This very day he will halt at bkNob;
he will shake his fist
at the mount of blthe daughter of Zion,
the hill of Jerusalem.
33Behold, the Lord God of hosts
bmwill lop bnthe boughs with terrifying power;
the great in height will be hewn down,
and the lofty will be brought low.
34He will cut down bothe thickets of the forest with an axe,
and bpLebanon will fall by the Majestic One.
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