Job 29

Job’s Summary Defense

1And Job again atook up his discourse, and said:

2Oh, that I were as in the months of old,
as in the days when God watched over me,
3when his blamp shone upon my head,
and by his light I walked through darkness,
4as I was in my prime,
Hebrew  my autumn days

when the dfriendship of God was upon my tent,
5when the Almighty was yet with me,
when my echildren were all around me,
6when my steps were fwashed with gbutter,
and hthe rock poured out for me streams of ioil!
7When I went out to jthe gate of the city,
when I prepared my seat in the square,
8the young men saw me and withdrew,
and the aged rose and stood;
9the princes refrained from talking
and klaid their hand on their mouth;
10the voice of the nobles was hushed,
and their ltongue stuck to the roof of their mouth.
11When the ear heard, it called me blessed,
and when the eye saw, it approved,
12because I mdelivered the poor who cried for help,
and the fatherless who had none to help him.
13 nThe blessing of him who was oabout to perish came upon me,
and I caused pthe widow’s heart to sing for joy.
14I qput on righteousness, and it clothed me;
my justice was like a robe and ra turban.
15I was seyes to the blind
and feet to the lame.
16I was a father to the needy,
and I searched out tthe cause of him whom I did not know.
17I ubroke vthe fangs of the unrighteous
and made him drop his prey from his teeth.
18 wThen I thought, ‘I shall die in my xnest,
and I shall multiply my days as ythe sand,
19my zroots spread out to aathe waters,
with the dew all night on my abbranches,
20my glory fresh with me,
and my acbow ever adnew in my hand.’
21“Men listened to me and waited
and kept silence for my counsel.
22After I spoke they did not speak again,
and my word aedropped upon them.
23They waited for me as for the rain,
and they afopened their mouths as for the agspring rain.
24I smiled on them when they had no confidence,
and ahthe light of my aiface they did not cast down.
25I chose their way and sat as chief,
and I lived like aja king among his troops,
like one who comforts mourners.
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