‏ Psalms 109

Help Me, O Lord My God

To the choirmaster. A Psalm of David.

1 aBe not silent, O bGod of my praise!
2For wicked and cdeceitful mouths are opened against me,
speaking against me with lying tongues.
3They encircle me with words of hate,
and attack me dwithout cause.
4In return for my love they eaccuse me,
but I fgive myself to prayer.
Hebrew  but I am prayer

5So they hreward me evil for good,
and hatred for my love.
6 iAppoint a wicked man jagainst him;
let an accuser stand kat his right hand.
7When he is tried, let him come forth guilty;
let his lprayer be counted as sin!
8May his mdays be few;
may nanother take his ooffice!
9May his pchildren be fatherless
and his wife a widow!
10May his children qwander about and beg,
rseeking food far from the ruins they inhabit!
11May sthe creditor seize all that he has;
may tstrangers plunder the fruits of his toil!
12Let there be none to uextend kindness to him,
nor any to vpity his fatherless children!
13May his wposterity be cut off;
may his xname be blotted out in the second generation!
14May ythe iniquity of his fathers be remembered before the Lord,
and let not the sin of his mother be zblotted out!
15 aaLet them be before the Lord continually,
that he may abcut off the memory of them from the earth!
16For he did not remember to show kindness,
but pursued acthe poor and needy
and adthe brokenhearted, to put them to death.
17 aeHe loved to curse; let curses come
Revocalization; Masoretic Text curses have come
upon him!
He did not delight in blessing; may it be far
Revocalization; Masoretic Text it is far
from him!
18He ahclothed himself with cursing as his coat;
may it aisoak
Revocalization; Masoretic Text it has soaked
into his body like water,
like oil into his bones!
19May it be like a garment that he wraps around him,
like a belt that he puts on every day!
20May this be the reward of my akaccusers from the Lord,
of those who speak evil against my life!
21But you, O God my Lord,
deal on my behalf alfor your name’s sake;
because your amsteadfast love is good, deliver me!
22For I am anpoor and needy,
and my heart is stricken within me.
23I am gone like aoa shadow at evening;
I am apshaken off like a locust.
24My knees are weak aqthrough fasting;
my arbody has become gaunt, with no fat.
25I am asan object of scorn to my accusers;
when they see me, they atwag their heads.
26 auHelp me, O Lord my God!
Save me according to your steadfast love!
27Let them avknow that this is your hand;
you, O Lord, have done it!
28 awLet them curse, but you will bless!
They arise and are put to shame, but axyour servant will be glad!
29May my accusers be ayclothed with dishonor;
may they azbe wrapped in their own shame as in a cloak!
30With my mouth I will give great thanks to the Lord;
I will bapraise him in the midst of the throng.
31For he stands bbat the right hand of the needy one,
to save him from those who condemn his soul to death.
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